Highway 60 Algonquin Park Attractions

Parkway Cottage Resort's Trading Post

4412 Highway 60

Dwight, Ontario

Latitude: 45.379703

Longitude: -78.919478

Phone: (705) 635-2763

Outside of building
Parkway Cottage Resort's Trading Post & Store is the last stop before entering Algonquin Park's west gate. You will find reasonably priced basic groceries such as bread, milk, eggs, water, canned items, cheese, condiments, chips, sweets, snacks, bug spray, as well as souvenirs to remember your trip. Need to cool off from a hot day of riding? Stop in for an ice cream cone.

Current Hours: 
Monday* to Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 9am - 6pm

*Closes Mondays in June
